Subject RE: [IBO] Help 'Cannot Edit current Row'
Author Kaputnik
In these cases, i usually buy flowers and kindly ask the computer to
forgive me :-)

Well, I suspect, that keylinks are properly defined or set to
autodefine. You can edit the rows of the query in the query-editor

It seems you use infoPower controls. Does the app work, if you assign
the value manually as test instead of taking the value out of the combo?

Does the error occur on the edit-method or on the post-method?

Nick Josipovic

BIT Institute
Prof. Dr. Franz Steffens
University of Mannheim
T: ++49 621 181 1621
M: ++49 179 133 44 16
S: ++49 621 181 1622
F: ++49 621 181 1618


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Bertin [mailto:daniel@...]
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Help 'Cannot Edit current Row'
> Hi all
> this little piece of code keeps giving me the error 'Cannot Edit
> Row'
> requestlive = true
> readonly = false
> what else can be giving me this error?? please someone give me a hint?
> what
> other reason for this error??
> lastno := datamodule1.IBOtable1.fieldbyname('ldispno').asinteger;
> if datamodule1.IBOLastQuery.Locate('dispno',vararrayof([lastno]),[])
> Begin
> datamodule1.IBOLastQuery.edit;
> datamodule1.IBOLastQuery.fieldbyname('TRI').asstring :=
> wwDBLookupCombo7.Value;
> end
> else
> showmessage('not found');
> this is the SQL
> select * from disp_leg
> where loaddate > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 7
> and complete = 'Y'
> order by dispno
> Help
> Daniel
> Daniel Bertin
> New Generation Software