Subject RE: [IBO] Memory leaks
Author Riho-Rene Ellermaa
Unfortunately I'm C++ programmer and my Delphi knowledge is 0.
I can provide you, or someone willing to take the task, with full report
about all leaks

Riho-Rene Ellermaa
senior programmer

> I've been in there before trying to solve various leaks. I
> thought I had
> them all.
> I wonder if you can go in and find and correct them?
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ

> > I run TurboPower's CodeWatch through my program and got
> lots of resource
> > leaks errors.
> >
> > IBO40VRT_C5.BPL G:\Program
> > Files\CBuilder5\IBObjects\IB_SearchBar.pas line 763
> > (IB_SearchBar::TIB_SearchBar::LoadCustomGlyphs + 016Ah)
> > IBO40VRT_C5.BPL G:\Program
> > Files\CBuilder5\IBObjects\IB_SearchBar.pas line 489
> > (IB_SearchBar::TIB_SearchBar::SysStateChanged + 010Ch)
> > IBO40VRT_C5.BPL G:\Program Files\CBuilder5\IBObjects\DatePick.pas
> > line 505
> > (DatePick::TMonthWindow::Create + 070h)
> > etc.
> >
> > Is it something to be concerned about?
> >
> >
> >