Subject Re: IB_Combox and IB_Grid again
it' not work , since the problem is each time call translatetext
the 'aVal' value will be in Items or itemvalues , so the function
will return wrong value

--- In IBObjects@y..., "Geoff Worboys" <geoff@t...> wrote:
> > In IBC_ComboBox.IMP , line 421,
> > Sometimes the aVal parameter pass items value or itemvalues,
> > the display text in grid empty, so i correct the source code for
> > proper display text .
> >
> > function TIB_CustomComboBox.IBG_TranslateText(AVal: string):
> > begin
> > // Result := Items.Strings[ ItemValues.IndexOf( AVal ) ];
> > Result := aVal;
> > if Items.IndexOf( aVal ) = -1 then
> > Result := Items.Strings[ ItemValues.IndexOf( AVal ) ];
> > end;
> >
> > Is this correct?
> The idea is that this function is called to translate an actual
> value into a value appropriate for display to the user.
> Looking at the original code I believe you are correct that it is
> inappropriate.
> After discovering similar problems with my Enh combobox I think that
> we may need to check the combobox style - and whether or not the
> has actually defined a separate set of ItemValues. So possibly the
> code should be...
> function TIB_CustomComboBox.IBG_TranslateText(AVal: string): string;
> var
> tmpIndex: integer;
> begin
> Result := AVal;
> // With csDropDown style any value is acceptable and so
> // ItemValues is ignored and no translation performed.
> if Style = csDropDownList then
> begin
> // let blank values pass straight through
> if Length(AVal) > 0 then
> begin
> // if separate itemvalues provided ensure given
> // value exists in that list.
> if ItemValues.Count > 0 then
> begin
> // If given value not found in ItemValues then
> // return blank, otherwise return corresponding
> // display value from Items list.
> tmpIndex := ItemValues.IndexOf( AVal );
> if tmpIndex >= 0 then
> Result := Items.Strings[ tmpIndex ]
> else
> Result := '';
> end
> else // if no separate ItemValues defined
> begin
> // If given value not found in Items list then
> // return blank. Otherwise the item will be
> // returned directly (already assigned to result)
> tmpIndex := Items.IndexOf( AVal );
> if tmpIndex < 0 then
> Result := '';
> end;
> end;
> end;
> end;
> Does this appear to achieve what you want? Would you be able to
> this on both csDropDown and csDropDownList boxes? (I dont use
> TIB_ComboBox myself and have nothing setup to test with.)
> I think the code is more explicit and should allow csDropDown style
> boxes to work as expected (I suspect there must be problems at the
> moment).
> AFAICT letting blank values pass straight through should be a
> If any ItemValues are defined it should be a complete set of
> values (in a csDropDownList style box) and so you should only get a
> display when a non-blank value is matched. Without any ItemValues
> list the same rule applies to the Items list, the given value must
> found.
> Thoughts?
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing