Subject Re: [IBO] Admin tools
Author Nando Dessena

> > FYI, those components use the Services API, some functions of which do not
> > always work quite as expected. I don't know when (or if) this will get
> > fixed, as Borland did not open the source for these functions.
> This is a major reason I am hesitant to do any work to support them. I have
> a hunch they are going to get scraped and redone.

I hope so.

> > Also, the Services API applies *only* to InterBase 6 and Firebird.
> >
> > If you have Delphi 5, you can use the IBX service components in your IBO
> > applications.
> They should be separate from the data access components so it shouldn't
> matter.

Fortunately they don't require an IBX connection object, so it's not a
problem using them in an IBO application (not a much bigger problem than
using the API directly, that is).

> > Another option is to access the Services API directly. The function calls
> > are documented in the v.6 API Guide. Since these are server (rather than
> > database) functions, you might like to consider writing a server module
> for
> > services like backup and security...
> Surely isn't a reason you couldn't do that. Just lift a little API code from
> somewhere, as I'm sure there ought to be some samples for it, if not in
> IB_Console or somewhere how to get where you need.

The IBX source code is full of samples.

> These have got to be VERY simple routines that could merely be methods with
> a few parameters rather than entire separate components.

Some of the services, in fact, aren't that simple. They need
asynchronous operation to be setup, and the available options just don't
make practical a procedural approach, at least in my view.