Subject Re: ib_query & provider flags (basic question)
Thanks a lot !
Everything works fine now.
So much about folks like me who are used to one-click Wise scripts ..
Ok, it's 2 clicks: Don't read and always accept the license
agreement :)

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@w...> wrote:
> At 04:17 AM 25-01-01 +0000, you wrote:
> >I downloaded IBO-trial after Borcon in August. I downloaded the
> >latest trial version today and when I try to compile and install
> >component I get an error message:
> >"IB_Components was compiled with a different version of
> >IB_Session.TIB_Sesssion"
> >
> >Any idea how I can get that working to continue my testing ?
> Yes.
> 1. Remove IBO from the package list.
> 2. Delete the entire folder containing ibo.
> 3. Do a totally fresh compile and install, from the zipfile
> (Delphi can be such a **rotter** sometimes!!)
> Good luck!
> Helen
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