Subject Re: [IBO] The Services API - corrections
GExperts certainly provides some very nice additional tools, and having
all the component tabs visible is great. I can actually see what I want
to get rid of now.

I have a couple of big sets of components from which I only use perhaps
3 or 4 key components, but I have not got around to deleting the
'duplicates'. So the number of components does not bother me. ( Perhaps
one day I will do my own version of the bits I need, when we get a 26
hour day ).

The problems with the Services API not working very well should not
detract from using it. I don't want to add IBX to my pallette so I use
gbak from the program, but starting what is perhaps a self contained
Services Pak may give some ideas as to how the Services API could be
improved. Feeding back into the Firebird wish list ( and Borland if they
are interested!).

So a starter set of Services components even if they are basic ( 'crude
?' ) at first, so we have another simple standard to follow and build on
as other parts of IBO.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services