Subject RE: [IBO] Access Violation - Stored Procedure
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Riho-Rene Ellermaa [mailto:r.ellermaa@...]
> Sent: Martes 23 de Enero de 2001 6:23
> Is it also in Firebird version?

Firebird has fixed a bug with international character sets defaults v/s
backup/restore and other issues, but not this one yet. So, in few words, the
bug is still here and has remained for some years.
I would need a small example to enter the bug report formally in firebird,
at least the procedure declaration (procedure input/output parameters).
Since Borland refuses to publish a thorough list of IB bugs, they will have
to be documented against Firebird by the developers.
