Subject Re: [IBO] Urgent - Problem with StoredProc and prepare
Author Jason Wharton
> BTW, where can I find a detailed description of the bug and how to
> avoid it?

I have given the description over a hundred times. I'm really weary of it.

Would someone at Borland or Firebird just fix it!

The way I avoid it is to use a select proc and have a suspend in the body
(at the end if necessary) and then I use a TIB_Cursor and fetch it from a
dataset instead of directly. This opens it using a cursor which avoids the
problem spot.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nando Dessena" <nandod@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Urgent - Problem with StoredProc and prepare

> Jason,
> > I think it may have been appropriate to do this with the BDE. This told
> > that you wanted the statement to remain prepared instead of the BDE's
> > (presumably) default behavior of unpreparing statements after execution.
> The BDE automatically prepares and unprepares statements (before and
> after execution)only if you don't explicitly call Prepare.
> If you call Prepare before executing a statement, the statement stays
> prepared after execution, so the bug can surface with the BDE too (maybe
> most developers don't prepare their statements?).
> Thanks
> --
> ____
> _/\/ando