Subject RE: [IBO] Users: always connect ISC4.GDB?
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Gütter [mailto:cguetter@...]
> Sent: Lunes 22 de Enero de 2001 12:30
> Of course, this does not seem to be very elegant and it is very slow.
> In addition to that, I dislike having two connections for ISC4.GDB and
> the production database. I would like to make it faster and more elegant.
> My favourite solution would be to have a stored procedure for it, but I
> don't know how this can be accomplished.

If you want the list of users without touching directly isc4.gdb (what an
horrible name, BTW), you should make a call to the Services API.
(You could write an UDF for such purpose and call it from your procedure if
you want to do all things inside the server and not from the client app, but
if you run into problems, don't blame me, please.)
