Subject RE: [IBO] The Services API - corrections
Author Art Metz
Claudio Valderram wrote:

> On the other side, Art, if I understand your post, you
> want all things in
> one place? IBX has different object for different specific
> services. I don't
> like the idea of super-charging TSession with a lot of code
> that not all people will use.

I'm still not being clear. Let me try again.

I addressed two different points that Geoff Worboys brought up:

(1) Why is IBO considered "too complex" by some?
(2) How should the services API be revealed in IBO.

For the first, I suggested that the large (overwhelming?) number of
components and pallette pages that IBO adds to the IDE leads a new user
wondering, "How am I gonna learn all this?" I therefore suggested two ways
to reduce the number of new pages.

For the second, I agree with you! I wrote

am> My preference is "one component should do one thing" and, as such,
am> is quite the reverse of (say) isc_database_info(). I would prefer
am> to see separate components to add/delete users, backup/restore,
am> perhaps another relating to gfix and one to allow you to add files
am> to a database.

In other words, I too do not want to see a TIB_Services super-component.
I'd rather see separate TIB_Users, TIB_Backup, TIB_Gfix, etc, components.

Yes, I do see the contradiction, and no, I don't know how to resolve it.
Again I suggest having optional installs for different palette pages (not
everyone needs the Dialogs or Grids pages). A different "slice" might be
installation sets labelled TDataset Descendents, Minimal Native Components,
Service Components, Visual Components, etc.

Art Metz