Subject Re: [IBO] IB_WISQL remember?
Author Daniel Bertin
No offense taken, and when I purchase IBO does the source IB_wisql come
with it?It would be a good learning application, nice work.

Thanks Claudio for explaining layouts but I probably should have read the
help more attentively.


At 11:41 AM 20/01/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> > You obviously didn't find the section on Layouts. It tells you how to have
> > multiple entries so that you can avoid having to type your connection and
> > other info all the time.
> >
> > Go to the Layout tab and hit F1.
>Ouch, what a horrible tone. Apologies for a rather rude manner in which I
>answered your question.
>PS. I think it has to do with the difficulties I am having rooting out the
>"Problem in BindingCursor" bug... I am making some progress though. It's one
>of those things that is going to be similar to the "Multiple Rows in
>Singleton Fetch" deals. It is an indication that things aren't ideal in your
>application and I'm not handling it as I should.
>Jason Wharton
>CPS - Mesa AZ