Subject Re: [IBO] KeyLinks & Primary Keys
Author Chris Landowski

I have been testing different variations on what you have suggested all day
and everything appears to be working much better. The size of my database
has dropped by almost half it's original size, performance is great, I no
longer need to hard code in plans (since the optimizer is now producing very
acceptable ones) and I now have small primary keys on all tables (which will
allow me to use KeyLinks without any problems).

What turned out to be the biggest overall improvement was modifications to
my secondary indexes. I originally converted all indexes over from Paradox
as is. Every master table index was prefixed with either CO or CO, YR. Under
Paradox with TTable components, this was the only way to set a range to a
single community and year. Under IB this same structure will basically
render the optimizer useless. Removing CO & YR from all secondary indexes
resolved all my problems.

You might want to take this into consideration when you write that program
you mentioned awhile back to convert Paradox databases over to IB.

I realize that this topic is outside the scope of this newsgroup and I do
appreciate your response. It got me pointed in the right direction and
basically solved all my problems.

Thanks agian,

Chris Landowski
Dynamic Software Solutions