Subject RE: [IBO] Record not located to update????
Author Dion Oliphant

I still don't understand what effect RaiseException has. When I set it to
false I get a different error('Record not located ...) and when it is true,
I get the expected one(Lock...). SysUtils.Abort has the desired effect


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
Sent: 16 January 2001 06:52
Subject: Re: [IBO] Record not located to update????

You can show the message that you want and then call SysUtils.Abort to raise
a silent exception instead of letting it go forward any more.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dion Oliphant" <dion@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 8:39 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] Record not located to update????

> Hi All,
> I have 2 apps running. One of these has a record posted, but not
> I try to edit this record in the second app, but have the following
> The transactions Isolation is tiCommitted.
> A transaction is explicity started in the datasource's OnStateChanged
> if (Assigned(ADataset)) and (ADataset.State in [dssEdit, dssInsert])
> { Start the Transaction. }
> if not ADataset.IB_Transaction.InTransaction then
> ADataset.IB_Transaction.StartTransaction;
> I have a TIB_Edit Linked to the above TIB_Datasource.
> The record is edited with this component.
> I have a TIB_UpdateBar connected to the TIB_Datasource,
> and TIB_TransactionBar connected to a TIB_Transaction component.
> The OnError event for the TIB_Query i the following:-
> with dmPupil do
> begin
> { Display the appropriate error message on the bar. }
> if ERRCODE = ecLockConflictNoWait then
> begin
> { Record is being edited by someone else. }
> ilPupil16.Draw(PupilForm.StatusBar1.Canvas, 1, 1, 2);
> PupilForm.StatusBar1.Canvas.TextOut(20, 3, '[DEADLOCK]: User ... on
> station ... is editing this record');
> end
> else if ERRCODE = ecForeignKeyViolation then
> begin
> { The Grade has Class dependents. }
> ilPupil16.Draw(PupilForm.StatusBar1.Canvas, 1, 1, 2);
> PupilForm.StatusBar1.Canvas.TextOut(20, 3, 'Delete dependent Classes
> first...');
> end;
> { Automatically undo all changes done. }
> if Sender is TIB_Query then
> if TIB_Query(Sender).IB_Transaction.InTransaction then
> TIB_Query(Sender).IB_Transaction.RollBack;
> If the post is successful, I commit in the AfterPost event of the
> TIB_Query:-
> if IB_Dataset.IB_Transaction.InTransaction then
> IB_Dataset.IB_Transaction.Commit;
> If I set RaiseException to false, I get a 'Record not located to be
> updated'.
> If I set it to true, I get the 'Lock conflict on ...' error. ???
> I dont want the user to see the default error...
> Thanks,
> Dion
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dion Oliphant [mailto:dion@...]
> Sent: 16 January 2001 09:40
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] Record not located to update????
> Hi All,
> Has anybody found the solution? I am currently installing the latest
> of IBO. I get this error when posting to an IB_Grid.
> Thanks,
> D.