Subject Re: [IBO] error code -204
Author Geoff Worboys
> Question: Do I have to have a value in the KeyRelation property?
> I have not done so in other queries that use views, and it works.

I would not expect KeyRelation to cause the problem you are seeing.

Certainly and odd problem.

* Have you tried *typing* the query in a new component to see the
problem remains. Just wondering if it is possible that a non-visible
character is somehow being included in the name (perhaps from a

* What happens if you put a TIB_Query on the form, double click to
bring up the SQL editor and activate the query inside there? (Just
wondering if the problem is specific to TIBOQuery or if it can be
duplicated inside TIB_Query.)

* Any difference if you ensure the entire statement is in uppercase?

* Any difference if you only select a single field?

Just clutching at straws really. Perhaps I should keep my mouth
closed and let Jason or someone offer suggestions. If nothing here
helps and no-one else has any ideas perhaps you could put together a
simple demo of the problem and send it (either to me or to Jason).

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing