Subject | Re: [IBO] Quoted Fields |
Author | Shane van de Vorstenbosch |
Post date | 2001-01-12T00:26:23Z |
The first application I made using IB/IBObjects/QuickDesk had this problem.
QuickDesk will automatically insert double quotes around any reserved word
or any name with lower case letters. IB and/or IBObjects then forces you to
use double quotes from then on.
In fact it is not that straight forward. Table and field names require the
quotes but not view names, procedures etc.
Fortunately the simple rule I found was that the SQL builder within
IBObjects will clearly indicate which fields require quotes and I just had
to make sure that my code used quotes.
The second application I made I ensured that I only used capital letters in
QuickDesk to stop it inserting the quotes. The table and field names are now
hard to read but it made the code a lot faster and easier to write.
In your case, the code has already been written. My recommendation is try
exporting the database as a metafile and check it for the quotes. If it
contains the quotes, kill them. If it doesn't then it is an IB feature and
harass them for the problem.
QuickDesk will automatically insert double quotes around any reserved word
or any name with lower case letters. IB and/or IBObjects then forces you to
use double quotes from then on.
In fact it is not that straight forward. Table and field names require the
quotes but not view names, procedures etc.
Fortunately the simple rule I found was that the SQL builder within
IBObjects will clearly indicate which fields require quotes and I just had
to make sure that my code used quotes.
The second application I made I ensured that I only used capital letters in
QuickDesk to stop it inserting the quotes. The table and field names are now
hard to read but it made the code a lot faster and easier to write.
In your case, the code has already been written. My recommendation is try
exporting the database as a metafile and check it for the quotes. If it
contains the quotes, kill them. If it doesn't then it is an IB feature and
harass them for the problem.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rohit Gupta" <r.gupta@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 10:44 AM
Subject: [IBO] Quoted Fields
> We are in the process of evaluating IBO by shifting from IBX to IBO
> IBX is just too slow.
> We are using Dialect 3 with quoted fields to be able to use reserved names
> such as Number and Type. And we are using quoted indexnames to preserve
> the case because it is far more readable by our clients that way.
> We are using ionly the components under the iboTDataset Tab as we are
> from Btrieve to Interbase and have to preserve the 200+ forms.
> Whereas IBX stripped and inserted quotes as necessary, there doesnt appear
> to be a theme in IBO. The probelm we have is that to get thinsg working
> appears that we have to go through all the forms and add quotes around
> persistent field and each indexname in each component - table, navigator,
> grid etc.
> Also, we have to chage all tablenames in many components on all forms
> Are there any properties to help with this ? Any other ideas ? going thru
> that many forms is a mamoth job.
> We feel that the quotes should be added and stripped by the ibocomponents
> when using dialect 3, automatically.