Subject Re: [IBO] connection question
Author Geoff Worboys
> Perhaps it is this problem:
> It is not enough to enter the password into the password-box, but
> also, to set PasswordRemembered to true...

This feature is only partially defined at this time. Jason did not
want to risk breaking applications in IBOv3, so it will probably not
be fully defined until v4.

The PasswordRemembered and SavedPassword properties exist but should
be ignored at this time. The password (unscrambled in the DFM and the
final EXE) from the Params property will continue to be used in v3.
The plan is that in v4 the password will be removed from the Params
property and only saved if you set PasswordRemembered to true: in
which case it will be saved in a scrambled - not encyrpted - format
using the SavedPassword property.

The scrambling key is stored in the registry and this key would need
to be distributed with the application if you really wanted to
distribute an executable with the password embedded - which I really
dont recommend!

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing