Subject Re: Null in Stored Procedure parameter.
Author Dale Tabbert
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@w...> wrote:

Thank you for responding

> >
> >with spAddObjKWValue do begin
> > Prepare;
> > parambyname('Object_ID').AsInteger := object_id;
> > parambyname('Keyword_id').clear;
> > parambyname('Keyword_Name').AsString := 'Some Name';
> > parambyname('Keyword_Value').AsString := 'Some Value';
> > ExecProc;
> > Unprepare;
> >end;{with spAddObjKWValue}
> I'm just wondering why you need this parameter at all if you want
to pass
> Null every time.

This code is from within an ASTA business Object. I have another
that recieves the keyword_id each time. Should I have two stored
procs on the DB that do the same thing or one SP that has an if/then
statement that checks if one of the values is null?
