Subject | RE: [IBO] Using Params - one last go |
Author | Dion Oliphant |
Post date | 2001-01-10T07:23:38Z |
Sorry for the time this is consuming, but I would like to understand what I
am doing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: 09 January 2001 12:07
Subject: RE: [IBO] Using Params
At 06:02 PM 08-01-01 +0200, you wrote:
UpdateSQL for you.
[************************************************ Dion
.Each node in the tree has a reference to a record it represents.
.Nodes are not data aware.
If I edit the nodes description, which might NOT BE the SAME as the
the description updated in the Grades query, hence my question. How
will the TIB_Query know which record to update if my
SQL has no params? The SQL.Text being 'SELECT * FROM Grades' and there
is no EditSQL, as you told me to delete it!
[ ********************************************** Dion
If the tree isn't data aware, read the strings for the parameters from it.
InterBase Developer Initiative ·
am doing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
Sent: 09 January 2001 12:07
Subject: RE: [IBO] Using Params
At 06:02 PM 08-01-01 +0200, you wrote:
>Are you saying that I use 2 TIB_Query components, one to hold the infoNo, all in one dataset. Where the SQL has no joins IBO creates the
>needed to populate a tree, and another to do udates made in the tree??
UpdateSQL for you.
[************************************************ Dion
.Each node in the tree has a reference to a record it represents.
.Nodes are not data aware.
If I edit the nodes description, which might NOT BE the SAME as the
the description updated in the Grades query, hence my question. How
will the TIB_Query know which record to update if my
SQL has no params? The SQL.Text being 'SELECT * FROM Grades' and there
is no EditSQL, as you told me to delete it!
[ ********************************************** Dion
If the tree isn't data aware, read the strings for the parameters from it.
>-----Original Message-----All for Open and Open for All
>From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
>Sent: 08 January 2001 05:35
>Subject: RE: [IBO] Using Params
>At 05:10 PM 08-01-01 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi Helen,
> >
> >I wanted to conserve memory I suppose. I thought that the TIB_Query
> >component would allow me to hold table information using the SQL text
> >'SELECT * FROM Grades', and at the same time update the table
>It does. But the way you are doing it is not the way to do it. :)) For a
>start, the SQL syntax in the EditSQL is wrong. Unfortunately, though SQL
>looks a bit like plain English, you can't just make it up as you go
>along. And there is more...
>You need a TIB_query with SQL
>SELECT * FROM GRADES /* but for preference use the query editor and a
>proper field list */
>If GradeRef is the primary key, set the Keylinks property to GRADEREF.
>Set RequestLive to True.
>That's all. You don't need any EditSQL - IBO will construct it internally.
>This is how it would be if you needed to do it yourself:
>UPDATE Grades
>SET GradeName = :GradeName
>WHERE GradeRef = :GradeRef
>i.e. you don't include aliases or table identifiers in an UPDATE statement.
> >using the
> >EditSQL 'UPDATE Grades g SET
> > g.GradeName =:GradeName
> > WHERE g.GradeRef =:GradeRef'
> >assigning the params:-
>If you are using a data-aware control, you don't have to assign the params
>- IBO does this automatically.
>If you need to assign parameters, do it in the BeforePost handler. The
>syntax is
> ...
> if TheQuery.State = dssEdit then
> begin
> ParamByName('GradeRef').AsString := SomeString;
> ParamByName('GradeName').AsString := SomeOtherString;
> end;
> ....
>All for Open and Open for All
>InterBase Developer Initiative ·
InterBase Developer Initiative ·