Subject RE: [IBO] Using Params
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:02 PM 08-01-01 +0200, you wrote:
>Are you saying that I use 2 TIB_Query components, one to hold the info
>needed to populate a tree, and another to do udates made in the tree??

No, all in one dataset. Where the SQL has no joins IBO creates the
UpdateSQL for you.

If the tree isn't data aware, read the strings for the parameters from it.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Helen Borrie [mailto:helebor@...]
>Sent: 08 January 2001 05:35
>Subject: RE: [IBO] Using Params
>At 05:10 PM 08-01-01 +0200, you wrote:
> >Hi Helen,
> >
> >I wanted to conserve memory I suppose. I thought that the TIB_Query
> >component would allow me to hold table information using the SQL text
> >'SELECT * FROM Grades', and at the same time update the table
>It does. But the way you are doing it is not the way to do it. :)) For a
>start, the SQL syntax in the EditSQL is wrong. Unfortunately, though SQL
>looks a bit like plain English, you can't just make it up as you go
>along. And there is more...
>You need a TIB_query with SQL
>SELECT * FROM GRADES /* but for preference use the query editor and a
>proper field list */
>If GradeRef is the primary key, set the Keylinks property to GRADEREF.
>Set RequestLive to True.
>That's all. You don't need any EditSQL - IBO will construct it internally.
>This is how it would be if you needed to do it yourself:
>UPDATE Grades
>SET GradeName = :GradeName
>WHERE GradeRef = :GradeRef
>i.e. you don't include aliases or table identifiers in an UPDATE statement.
> >using the
> >EditSQL 'UPDATE Grades g SET
> > g.GradeName =:GradeName
> > WHERE g.GradeRef =:GradeRef'
> >assigning the params:-
>If you are using a data-aware control, you don't have to assign the params
>- IBO does this automatically.
>If you need to assign parameters, do it in the BeforePost handler. The
>syntax is
> ...
> if TheQuery.State = dssEdit then
> begin
> ParamByName('GradeRef').AsString := SomeString;
> ParamByName('GradeName').AsString := SomeOtherString;
> end;
> ....
>All for Open and Open for All
>InterBase Developer Initiative ·

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