Subject | RE: [IBO] Interbase,Advantage,Paradox |
Author | zile |
Post date | 2001-01-07T21:51:14Z |
I wrote simple program with two buttons. The source code of Geno Is
connected on click of first button ( TTable + TDatabase + BDE), and Your
code is connected on click of second button (TIBOTable+TIBODatabase). On
both clicks I do insert of 1000 records into table. And I get Those results:
1. When Forced Writes Enabled:
Standard: 02:37
IBO: 02:41
2. When Forced Writes Disabled:
Standard: 00:03
IBO: 00:12
I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but this is very frustrating. I
read every day that IBO gives better performance.
-----Original Message-----
From: info@... [mailto:info@...]
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 17:54
Subject: Re: [IBO] Interbase,Advantage,Paradox
Hello Geno
try the simple following code for append records into InterBase:
Table1.BeginBusy(True); //speed booster,eliminating 20 msec Cursor flicker
For Loop := 1 To 1000 Do
Table1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT into MYTABLE (KEY, FIELD) values ('
+IntToStr(Loop)+ ', ABC)';
Peter Czarnecki
Eustachio SA
connected on click of first button ( TTable + TDatabase + BDE), and Your
code is connected on click of second button (TIBOTable+TIBODatabase). On
both clicks I do insert of 1000 records into table. And I get Those results:
1. When Forced Writes Enabled:
Standard: 02:37
IBO: 02:41
2. When Forced Writes Disabled:
Standard: 00:03
IBO: 00:12
I don't know if I am doing something wrong, but this is very frustrating. I
read every day that IBO gives better performance.
-----Original Message-----
From: info@... [mailto:info@...]
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 17:54
Subject: Re: [IBO] Interbase,Advantage,Paradox
Hello Geno
try the simple following code for append records into InterBase:
Table1.BeginBusy(True); //speed booster,eliminating 20 msec Cursor flicker
For Loop := 1 To 1000 Do
Table1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT into MYTABLE (KEY, FIELD) values ('
+IntToStr(Loop)+ ', ABC)';
Peter Czarnecki
Eustachio SA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Geno " <strtline@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2001 4:56 PM
Subject: [IBO] Interbase,Advantage,Paradox
> Hello:
> I have been reading the posts about the speed advantages of Interbase
> over the BDE. It seems to be agreed that Interbase is much faster.
> This leads me to believe I must be doing something wrong. I am a
> novice to both Interbase and IBO. I have several applications that
> have been running for years which are written in D5 with
> BDE/Paradox. They are all applicaations that run on local networks
> with less that 10 users. They all run fine except for the nasty
> habit of Paradox to get corrupted indexes. Because of this, I
> thought switching to another database might be a good idea. My first
> switch was to Advantage. It worked fine and was relatively fast but
> the Advantage local server does not support transactions. I was
> going to purchase the Advantage remote server when I heared about
> Interbase. Since it was free, it seemed foolish to spend money on
> Advantage.
> I have been working on converting the application and one of the
> first things I noticed was how much slower everthing ran. I created
> a few test progams that simply loop and add 1000 records to each
> different type of database. The table format is simple:
> TheKey : Integer;
> TheField : Character[20];
> The loop is for the BDE\Paradox version is:
> For Loop := 1 To 1000 Do
> Begin
> Table1.Insert;
> Table1.FieldByName('TheKey').AsInteger := Loop;
> Table1.FieldByname('TheField').AsString := 'ABC';
> Table1.Post;
> End;
> The loop for the Advantage and Interbase versions use querys instead
> of tables but are otherwise similar.
> In the BDE/Paradox version, the records are added in roughly 2
> seconds. In the Advantage local server version, around 5 seconds.
> In the Interbase version, around 15 seconds. In the Interbase
> vsrsion this seems true if I use a DataSource/IBOQuery or IBOTable or
> a IB_DataSource/IB_Query.
> I realize it is probable that I should be optimizing the application
> for use with Interbase. However, my plan was to first convert to
> Interbase using DataSource/IBOQuerys then eventually to
> TIB_DataSource/IB_Querys.
> Can someone tell be what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks.