Subject | RE: [IBO] TDataSet vs. Native |
Author | Ondrej Kelle |
Post date | 2001-01-07T08:44:26Z |
> -----Original Message-----I see. I'm probably not experienced enough in writing database applications
> So, all revolves around how much you want or need
> from your application.
> Jeff didn't see an obvious clash between IBX and IBO. I
> don't see it, too.
> This is a thing related to level of requirements.
to see what the higher requirements might be.
> With IBO, most of your needs are already done. Unlike someFor me personally, this is a very important criterion when selecting a
> component-seller companies, Jason himself uses IBO in his work as an
> employee, so he has strong hints about what's need. He doesn't produce
> components only but he uses his own components same as you
> and me would use
> IBO. Of course, I expect Jason to not consult the help file
> as often as me.
> ;-)
software tool - the authors should use the tool themselves.
> Ultimately, if a feature doesn't work, post the factsOne of the first things I noticed here - this list is a busy one and Jason
> or send Jason a small
> demo and he will fix it if it's a bug.
is very quick to respond to users' requirements.
Thanks very much for your comments.