Subject RE: [IBO] new AutoLabel property for TIB_Edit
Author Tobias Giesen
> Remove the colon from the label, or make it an option.

Ok, I'll have an Options property including these:

> It would also be very helpful to display the labels at design time

That's a little more difficult because I found that I must not actually
*create* a label at design time because it will then be added to the form
physically. Does anybody have an idea how to do that? Can I maybe remove the
autolabel just in time before the form is saved? Somehow I doubt that ...

> RelativePosition property.
> A large negative number is required.

Well, it's the pixel distance from the edit. Delphi forms are constructed
with pixel coordinates. So left or upwards direction is naturally negative
and in the left direction you'll typically need something between -40
and -100. This seems logical to me, maybe we'll hear another opinion on
this? Anyone?

> After this is perfected, maybe it should be added to the
> other components, such as IB_LookupCombo?


Thanks for the feedback, I'm not getting back to work on this immediately!
