Subject RE: [IBO] How to unsubscribe from this list ?
Author Svein Erling Tysvær
At 21:57 05.01.2001 +0100, you wrote:
>1. Sorry, but where is line ?
This line is three lines above the subject line.

>I am only getting about 50-60 mails daily, and there is no such line in
any of

You can go to and modify your own
subscription to "daily digest" or "No mail/Web only" which may suit you
better than unsubscribing altogether.

>If only thing that matters is "From" I can send mail directly without
clicking that invisible line. :). ( Is it OK? ).

If you remember to send it to and not to
the list itself, it should be fine.

>2. I heard for IBO few months ago, and wrote to Jason asking him about where
>can I find IBO. After his answer I downloaded the components and must say it
>looks very good. The problem is next: I am working with BDE and standard
>data aware controls. I must say that it is very time consuming for me to
>understand and use all good features of IBO, so I did not go much further
>than using it on the level I am using Borland data access components. That
>means that I would lost to much time to get same functionality in my program
>that I have now.

IB_Query is quite a big jump - worry about that when you have converted
your programs to work properly with IBOQuery. I haven't really converted
any existing programs, but according to Jason most BDE-programs can be
converted in less than ten minutes to IBOQuery (if you follow the guidelines).

>OK, I was trying to use IB_Query and other native components, but there are
>so many options. I don't quiet understand KeyLinks, MasterLinks, ... and
>other properties. I think I saw someone wrote there is a way that IBO will
>generate them automatically, but I do not succeed can't do it.

IBO will try to generate KeyLinks automatically if you want it to, but
doesn't manage to guess all complex queries. You are absolutely right in
there being a lot of options, but most of them you don't need to understand
for your program to work. If you don't get the hang of KeyLinks and
MasterLinks, this list is the perfect place to ask if you provide enough
detail on your tables/queries.
