Subject Re: Fields[xx].value - unidentifyed type: 14
Author Mauricio Longo

> Same problem. It seems that however IBO places the data in the
> Variant Value property it does not transfer correctly to another
> variant property.
> I'll try to do more testing on this in particular, without the use
> TkbMemTable to see if I can get more info on this behavior.

I just experimented with some code that looked like this:

data: variant;
if not qryGetRoot.Prepared then
Data := qryGetRoot.FieldByName('id').value;

The debugger reports the value of "data" as being "Data: Unknown
type: 14".

So, it is not a problem of how TkbMemTable gets the info from the
Dataset, but rather a problem of how IBO handles the type of the
variant value property. It *cannot* be assigned to a variant

Any clues to as how I work around this?

All my best,

Mauricio Longo