Subject RE: [IBO] Fields[xx].value - unidentifyed type: 14
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
> Sent: MiƩrcoles 3 de Enero de 2001 1:44
> > At least in TIB_xyz components, Value at the generic level is
> Variant, but
> > if you treat the field as its effective type (integer field,
> for example),
> > the Value property should give a result of the appropriate type (in the
> > example, Value is integer) and not a variant.
> Value in TIB_Column is a variant. This is unlike what people do with the
> VCL's TxyzField types that override the property with the properly typed
> one.
> In IBO you are typically dealing with just the TIB_Column and never the
> TIB_Columnxyz since I don't use persistent fields.

Yes, but one can try in the form's private section the declaration:

f: TIB_ColumnInteger;

In the AfterPrepare event:

f := Sender.FieldByName('name') as TIB_ColumnInteger;

And later, after the dataset is open,
f.Value will give you an integer, not a variant.

The same trick applies to access the events of TIB_Column, since there're
not persistent fields.
