Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Query phenomenom
Author Helen Borrie
At 03:09 AM 03-01-01 +0100, you wrote:
> > You might consider using TIB_Cursor and display the results of the current
> > fetch in a cursor grid, if reading is all you need to do...if you need to
> > perform DML based on the output, you would definitely need to read the grid
> > (using props and methods of TStringGrid) and push the values over to a
> > TIB_DSQL as parameters...
> >
>Reading is all I need, but I need many properties of the IB_Grid, which are
>missing in the CursorGrid, for example IndicateRow, IndicateBoolean,
>TitleFont and
>so on. So I have to use a query.
> >
> > Can you clarify exactly what you are looking for as output to this query?
> >
>The problem is, that I have to display the data of three or more rows of
>the table
>FOLLOWUPDISCOUNTS_MP in one row. My boss want it so, not me. Therefore I
>built the
>SQL-Statement dynamicly and all works fine with IB_Cursor. But my boss doesn't
>like the outfit of the IB_CursorGrid and therefore I have to use a IB_Grid,
>somehow ...

I understand therefore that you want to see 33 columns in the output. I
think you have a major problem with the dynamic SQL statement because it
seems impossible to identify the KeyLinks. I would want to get this
dataset with a stored procedure that passes the first set's unique ID as an
input parameter, and outputs each row into a set of uniquely named
columns. (FOR SELECT....INTO...DO...SUSPEND).

That way you can invoke it with a SELECT statement and bring it into your
app cleanly as a distinct, refreshable, bi-directional dataset.


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