Subject RE: [IBO] Re: IBO advantages over IBX
Author Art Metz

> Any ideas how to bring IBO to the attention of
> developers, old and new?
> As we all know, being successful in the market
> takes more than a good product.

This is the crux of the problem, isn't it? Like QuickReports, IBX starts
with the immense advantage of being bundled in the box. Unlike QR or
FastNet, IBX is perceived as coming "from Borland" and therefore is presumed
to be of high quality.

It would be nice if Borland were to include IBO as a 3rd-party alternative,
but that ain't gonna happen. It would also be nice if Jason could afford to
advertise in Delphi Informant (US) or Delphi Magazine (UK) on a regular
basis, but that ain't gonna happen either.

IBO suffers from the same problems as IB, only worse. It's a niche product
_within_ a niche product. Everything I can think of to improve the
situation (magazine advertising, snail-mail flyers, bundled on a CD with a
magazine) costs money.

Well, not quite everything. The community can post "IBO Success Stories"
parallel to the Case Studies on Carlos Valdez' site. (I apologize in
advance for the misspelling!) Jason could list "IBO-friendly" products like
ReportBuilder Pro and Rubicon on his web site,a nd ask that the products'
site refer back to ibobjects. When Kylix comes out, perhaps IBO could be
distributed with the major Linux distributions.

Finally, I keep having fantasies of an O'Reilly Book "Using Interbase with
IBObjects" and an IDG book "IBObjects for Dummies".

Yes, these ideas are lame, but they're a start.

Art Metz