Subject Re: [IBO] EOF + Master Detail
Author Jason Wharton
> 1.. the tibotable is supposed to emulate ttable.. i'm having a problem
> in a master/detail setup where when an insert is done on the
> detail the appropriate key from the master i.e. social security
> number is not being update in the detail record.. this is a default
> behavior of a master/detail in a ttable.. am i doing something wrong
> here...

This should be working in IBO. Please provide some more detail for us to
look at here.

> 2.. i'm having frequent problems with eof on a certain table..
> this tibotable is part of a master detail but when parsing
> thru the rows programatically (i.e. while not eof) i get to
> the last row and it keeps repeating the last row.. The only
> think i can think of which might cause a problem is the fact
> that as i read each row i'm updating it... no key change but
> i am reposting it... all works fine till it gets to the last
> row... then it keeps cycling for many record...(its also posting
> a sub record)... obviously the subrecord get repeated many times.
> again am i doing something wrong or is this a know bug..
> its sporadic..
> i have the latest version of ibo.

Would it be possible for you to distill this down into a very simple
application the reproduces this behavior? This sounds like a bug I probably
need to resolve.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ