Subject Re: [IBO] Fields[xx].value - unidentifyed type: 14
Author Nando Dessena

> The type value is refering to the VType field of the Variant record
> (so we are talking VCL not Interbase). The datatypes truly supported
> by Variant (OLE implementation) can be found in the online help about
> variants. The closest the VCL gets to documenting its internal
> extensions to variant is inside ActiveX.pas (search for VT_DECIMAL).

as an aside, they are Windows system types; it has been anticipated that
Kylix and Delphi 6 will have a whole new batch of system independent
variant functions. Not that this helps IBO any way.

> Another alternative would be to translate unsupported field types into
> strings (where possible), instead of following the VCL example of
> using VCL specific type extensions. At least that way we may avoid
> the worst of the problems.

I second your opinion.