Subject Re: [IBO] New sub-release 3.6 Ca
Author Jason Wharton
Please give this a look...

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Heinz Morandell" <Heinz.Morandell@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 8:20 AM
Subject: AW: [IBO] New sub-release 3.6 Ca

> Jason,
> there are still problems with the correct IN () syntax.
> Something like
> column IN (2418,2419,2420)
> gets parsed to
> column IN (2418.2419.2420)
> because the commas are interpreted as the
> DecimalSeparator (at least here in Germany) and then converted into points
> in
> procedure ProcessItem().
> Also there are extra commas added into the filter in
> I've already figured out the fix:
> if UpperCase( AOper ) = 'IN' then
> begin
> if tmpStr = '(' then
> AItem := '( '
> else
> raise EIB_Error.Create( 'Invalid Filter syntax: IN()' );
> tmpStr := GetNextToken( AFilter, false );
> while Length( AFilter ) > 0 do
> begin
> ProcessExpr( tmpStr );
> // AItem := AItem + ', ' + tmpStr;
> AItem := AItem + tmpStr; // <----
> tmpStr := GetNextToken( AFilter, false );
> if tmpStr = ')' then
> Break;
> end;
> if tmpStr = ')' then
> AItem := AItem + ' )'
> else
> raise EIB_Error.Create( 'Invalid Filter syntax: IN()' );
> Heinz Morandell
> > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
> > Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Dezember 2000 22:31
> > An:
> > Betreff: [IBO] New sub-release 3.6 Ca
> >
> >
> > From the release notes:
> >
> > French constants updated.
> >
> > Published OnSetColumnText for TIB_Grid control.
> >
> > Enhanced the Filter syntax to accommodate all of the former
> > BDE syntax and
> > options as well as integrated in all of the simple SQL-Style
> > syntax items:
> >
> >
> > [NOT] BETWEEN ... AND ...
> >
> > [NOT] IN ( ... )
> >
> > [NOT] LIKE ... ESCAPE ...
> >
> >
> >
> > This is all in addition to the former syntax and it is all
> > integrated into
> > the filtering options as well. PartialMatch only applies when
> > the operator
> > is '=' and the asterisk and case insensitivity applies to all
> > of them and it
> > will substitute in the NOCASE columns indicated in the
> > ColumnAttributes
> > automatically.
> >
> > I modified the TIB_TransactionBar to respond to cachedupdates
> > pending when
> > executing the CommitRetaining and RollbackRetaining. Keep in
> > mind that if
> > updates are active then in the process of handling the
> > updates a hard Commit
> > or Rollback will be performed. I assume if you are using
> > cachedupdates then
> > you are prepared for that.
> >
> > I made it so that when you are using cached updates in a
> > detail dataset
> > using MasterLinks and you insert records in the detail
> > dataset and change to
> > a different master record it will only make the inserted
> > record appear when
> > its corresponding master record is scrolled to. Calling
> > CancelUpdates or
> > ApplyUpdates acts upon the record even if it isn't in the
> > current visible
> > records. Previously inserts showed up for all master records.
> > This does not
> > work with MasterParamLinks situations and I don't think it
> > will work for the
> > TDataset stuff yet either. I have not handled it there.
> >
> > I improved the handling of InvalidateRows (RefreshRows) when
> > using cached
> > updates and there are edits in the buffers. Previously it
> > simply ignored
> > records that had cached updates associate with them but now
> > it surgically
> > removes the old row that came from the server and the next
> > time that record
> > is pulled into a buffer it will fetch from the server the
> > current row and
> > replace the previous old row. This can be a mechanism for
> > dealing with the
> > "Record changed by another user" since it is possible to
> > invalidate a row
> > and get the new values to base the updates on if necessary. The only
> > complaint I have there is that there isn't a way to tell if
> > the record was
> > changed and so the user may not be aware of the change until
> > they cancel
> > their updates and take a look at it. The only solution to
> > this is to add a
> > third hook on the buffer node so that it will be possible to
> > distinguish the
> > NEW, CUR and OLD values. I am considering doing that but it
> > will impact the
> > memory usage a little by adding in two variables to me node
> > record. I don't
> > have a way to surface the CUR values either...
> >
> > In the process of the above changes I also cleaned up the
> > processing of the
> > CalculatedFields better. It should now be very precise and
> > efficient about
> > when the fields are calculated and how they are cached in
> > memory. Prior to
> > this time I had it doing a little overkill just to make sure
> > the buffers
> > always reflected accurate values but this was undesirable for
> > those who were
> > using semi-expensive routines in the calc routine.
> >
> > Fixed the handling of TIBODataset when multiple input
> > parameters have the
> > same name. They are now consolidated down to the unique occurrences.
> >
> > Fixed a problem with the resolution of MIDAS columns when updating or
> > inserting records. In some cases it was having the full field
> > name (meaning
> > TABLE.COLUMN) instead of just the FieldName (meaning COLUMN)
> > and it was not
> > finding the right column to line up with. I made it so that
> > if it doesn't
> > get a match with the full field name to parse off the table
> > name and try it
> > with just the column name and now it works fine. Previously
> > it was just
> > inserting NULL instead of the appropriate values.
> >
> > Published the RecordCountAccurate property for TIBOQuery and TIBOTable
> > components.
> >
> > Added the ability to right click in the Query editor's list
> > of tables to
> > optionally include or exclude views and stored procedures.
> >
> > I increased the internal margin for text inside of the
> > TIB_Grid control so
> > that there is a little more white surrounding the text. This
> > should improve
> > the readability of the grid considerably. Especially when the
> > grid is full
> > of text.
> >
> >
> >
> > Enjoy!
> >
> > Jason Wharton
> > CPS - Mesa AZ
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor
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> > eGroups eLerts
> > It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!
> >
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> >
> >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]