Subject Re: [IBO] -804 SQLDA missing or incorrect version, incorrect number/type of variables
Author jarnilse
It works alright when I substitute TIB_DSQL whith TIBOQuery.
NetwDS is now a TIBOQuery.

if (not Assigned(netw)) or (Integer(netw.Data) <>
DlItmCR['DLITM_NETWORK']) then begin
{ NetwDS.Prepared then NetwDS.Unprepare; }
{ NetwDS.Prepare }

netw:=pTmSchTN.AddChildObject(tmsch, NetwDS['NETW_NAME'],


----- Original Message -----
From: "Svein Erling Tysvær" <svein.erling.tysvaer@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] -804 SQLDA missing or incorrect version, incorrect
number/type of variables

> Why unprepare before setting active to false?? I think this sequence seems
> more logical
> NetwDS.Active:=False;
> if NetwDS.Prepared then NetwDS.Unprepare; file://I expect you have an if
> NetwDS.Prepare;
> HTH,
> Set
> At 22:13 23.11.2000 -0800, you wrote:
> >I use:
> >IBO 3.6.Bd
> >Omnibook, nt 2000 proffesional client.
> >nt 2000 server
> >Interbase 5.6 on both, 5.6 client and server on the client.
> >
> >I develop on the client. The application and database.gdb was copied to
> >server.
> >The database contained ground data. The application running on the server
> >fetches
> >data from external equipment (not computers), and posts it to the
> >All works find on the server. It same application works alright on the
> >client when connected to the original database, i.e. local.
> >
> >When the client is connected to the server, and fetch data from the
server I
> >sometimes recieve this exception:
> >ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
> >
> >Dynamic SQL Error
> >SQL error code = -804
> >SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrct number/type of variables
> >
> >The problem was located to a procedure which builds a tree. The following
> >code fragment causes the
> >exception when NetwDS.Execute is evaluated/executesd.
> >NetwDS is a TIB_DSQL and DlItmCR is a TIB_Cursor.
> >The Netw.DS and DlItmCR is prepared and unprepared in a try finally end
> >block.
> >If I uncomment lines 2 and 3 the exception will not fire, and the
> >application will function when the client
> >is connected to the server. This is not necassery when application and
> >database is on the same machine.
> >Why?
> >
> > if (not Assigned(netw)) or (Integer(netw.Data) <>
> >DlItmCR['DLITM_NETWORK']) then begin
> > { NetwDS.Prepared then NetwDS.Unprepare; }
> > { NetwDS.Prepare; }
> > NetwDS.Active:=False;
> >
> >NetwDS.Params.ParamValues['NETW_NETWORK']:=DlItmCR['DLITM_NETWORK'];
> > NetwDS.Execute;
> > netw:=pTmSchTN.AddChildObject(tmsch, NetwDS['NETW_NAME'], //
> >and netw are treenodes
> > Pointer(DlItmCR.FieldByName('DLITM_NETWORK').AsInteger));
> > netw.ImageIndex:=GetNetworkImageIndex(NetwDS);
> > end;
> >
> >Any suggestions ?
> >
> >-- Jarle
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >