Subject RE: [IB-Conversions] Convert dbase to Firebird
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Frank Marousek
> Sent: Martes, 08 de Enero de 2008 20:27
> It looks as though ibdatapump should do the job quite well.
> That's the frustrating thing about it. I sent an e-mail to
> clevercomponents explaining the problem I'm having, but received
> no response. I would understand if they are unwilling to provide
> help for a free product, but I would have hoped they would at
> least reply and say as much. I'm very likely doing something
> incorrectly, but I've spent several hours trying to get it to
> work with no success.

They say they sell support for IBDataPump, maybe this is the reason they
don't reply to free requests. Here's the information and there's one item
specific for Dbase to IB:
