Subject Re: Interbase 5.6 to Firebird 1.5.4 migration
Author roytsganda
--- In, "muralivm"
<muralim_firebird@...> wrote:
> We are migrating the product from Interbase 5.6 to Firebird 1.5.4
> version.
> Can anyone help me out . . .ceased to
> support in Firebird 1.5.4)?

We trod a similar path about two years ago and kept a record of our
troubles and findings. They were not overwhelming. Our experience
was not exactly with your version numbers (ours was an InterBase 6.01
application to Firebird 2.0 Beta), but it may be useful. We had a
lot of help from Roman Rokytskyy and others on this group. We've
never looked back! (Well, apart from preparing that log)

The log is here:

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