Subject Re: [IB-Conversions] interbase 7 to firebird conversion?
Author Ann W. Harrison
At 09:25 PM 4/30/2003 +0000, yakumo9275 wrote:
>are there any hard and fast rules about converting from interbase 7 to

Yes. You'll need to use the backup utility on the firebird
kit (gbak). Leave InterBase 7 running, backup the database
using the Firebird gbak. Then shut down InterBase 7, bring
up Firebird, and restore the database.

>is it a matter of turning off interbase 7 and just enabling the
>firebird service? (this is on win2k server).

That won't work because InterBase changed its on disk representation
in 6.5 and again in 7. Firebird can read databases created by
6.0 and earlier, but not the later ones.

>is there anything that might not be supported in firebird that is part
>of interbase 7? are they feature compatible?

Largely, except that InterBase 7 permits longer field and table
names. Firebird is limited to 32 characters ... 31?

