Subject RE: [IB-Conversions] interbase and oracle
Author Ann Harrison
At 09:45 PM 9/5/00 -0400, Claudio Valderrama C. wrote:

> > From: marcos@... [mailto:marcos@...]
> > Sent: Martes 5 de Septiembre de 2000 5:13
> >
> > i would like to know if i can migrate from interbase (linux) to
> > oracle .
>We only handle here conversions from WhateverElse to Interbase, not the

Claudio, that's parochial of you, though I agree that the list at would be a better place to ask that question.

Yes, an InterBase application can be converted to Oracle. The
ease (or difficulty) will come primarily from triggers and stored
procedures. Oracle has both, but their implementation is not at
all the same.

