Subject Re: [IB-Conversions] Re: Migrating database from MS SQL or PostgreSQL
Author Helen Borrie
At 02:35 PM 17-08-00 +0200, you wrote:

>Thanks, I've found it.
>I really would love it if there would be an SQL-output like pg_dump
>does. Very transparent, very handy, I liked it immediately once I
>have seen it.

Oh - you want an SQL dump? (Sorry, I don't know anything about the PG
tools, haven't gone near PostGresql yet).

On Linux, use the isql program. The command you want is SHOW (various
params, from DATABASE, for everything, down to TABLES with a parameter) -
syntax in the Ops manual (I think).

On Windows, use WISQL.

(But this is for your InterBase database...metadata)

Does your pg_dump deliver a script? Still can't figure out what you are
after - does this tool create some huge script of table creates and insert

That's about all I can do (not much!). Claudio will call in here sometime

"Ask not what your free, open-source database can do for you,
but what you can do for your free, open-source database."