Subject Re: [IB-Conversions] problem with sql2gdb
Author Enrique I.Rodriguez
Sorry the delay.. really busy lately :-(

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 20:15:20 -0300, Marcelo
<marcelo.lopezruiz@...> wrote:

>The sql2gdb wizard uses this script as a "template" to move records later on.
>The quotes can be turned on or off from the Customizations step (but the
>wizard will use other mangling methods). The colon before the field name
>means that it is a placeholder. For example, if you want not to move a field,
>you can modify the script to look like:
>insert into mytable (
> "field1",

Ok. I thought I could get a script with all the data into INSERT's
statments... as I see the 'migrate the database to file' feature of
sql2gdb is for that templating you say above. Isn't it? The only way
of get the true data is migrating to the ending .gdb.

>> Unless you want your column names to be case-sensitive, or you want to use
>> reserved words as column names, avoid the quotes when you define the
>> columns in your metadata.

I do want my column names casesensitive.
>> In IB 6, double-quotes are not legal syntax for delimiting values.

Not for data but it is for object names. In fact, IB does really allow
localized caracters in object names as far as you surround it with

>Yes, and case-sensitivity is, in my opinion, a pain, at least for data
>modeling (what's the different between product and Product?).

myproductoftheyear - MyProductOfTheYear.
There are some i8n issues where this goes more critical if you don't
want to get storing real field names into tables and getting those
things on the application TIER.

Enrique I.Rodriguez -
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Canary Islands