Subject Re: Connecting to firebird from vb
Author pabloagogo
Hi again,

The guys at ibprovider gave me a hack option of first creating
an empty database keeping with the app, and then database files can be created based on that. But I was hoping for a cleaner solution.

In java using Jaybird you can do this, no problem!

SO I am surprised that this is so hard to do in the world
of COM technology since Firebird itself is done in C/C++.

SO are you guys telling me that in the whole world, there is no
open source or commercial driver that has this functionality out of the box.

Let me know.

The SQLite people have been able to do this basic thing for their
And so has H2 database in the Java world.

Of the current "file based" databases out there:
2. H2
3. Firebird

I consider Firebird the most mature and has the most features
of an industrial strength databases, and it is sad that it does not have this out of the box.

I consider SQLite still lacking a lot and not good when it comes to referential integrity and its ability to to Joins on many tables is
aweful. Sqlite is only good as a datastore for one table in my opinion.

So hence I would say of these 3 that H2 has the crown of being the best single file based database.

Just wanted to share my opinion on the state on what one person has called the "realm of the nibble databases" or what I call the single filed databases.


--- In, Milan Babuskov <milanb@...> wrote:
> pabloagogo wrote:
> > I can create the database file using : "ISQL - Firebird Interactive SQL Tool", command line tool, but I wish to create it on the fly from my VB6 app, without using Isql tool.
> >
> > So, I hope I have cleared up what I am trying to say.
> > Hope someone has done this before in VB6.
> Well, if all else fails, you can always ship isql.exe together with your
> application and execute it via Windows shell API. There's probably some
> Execute, Shell, Call, System or a similar command in VB.
> You could also ship an empty database backup, and restore it to given
> location.
> Another solution is to create the database file on your computer and
> ship it together with your program and then just copy the file to
> desired directory on user's computer when needed.
> --
> Milan Babuskov
> ==================================
> The easiest way to import XML, CSV
> and textual files into Firebird:
> ==================================