Subject Re: [firebird-tools] Database Modelling Tools
Author Mario Lacunza
Check DBDessigner Fork its free a multiplatform.

2008/1/31, Pavel Kutakov <pvk@...>:
> > 1. Firebird Support
> > 2. Reverse Engineering into a Physical/Conceptual Data Model
> > 3. Functional A3 printing
> >
> I'm using Database Designer from Firebird Development Studio package. But
> like a previous answer - I'm an author of this tool :-)
> --
> Best regards.
> Pavel Kutakov
> SQLLY Development

Saludos / Best regards

Mario Lacunza
Desarrollador de Sistemas - Webmaster
Desarrollador 2 Estrellas VS2005

Email: mlacunza [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Website: mlacunzav[DOT]cogia[DOT]net
Lima - Peru

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