Subject RE: [firebird-tools] ANN: IBExpert New Version 2007.05.03 ready for Download
Author Codebue Fabio - P-Soft
Jonathan I try to be more detailed so I don't want to be misunderstood.

Like sometime Helen Borrie wrote "this list is for brief announces and user
questions about tools and their usage.
It is NOT for publicising consultancy and contracting services.

Product and version announcements are OK, IF they concern tools for use with
Firebird AND they are restricted to one or two sentences AND
they do NOT contain promotional slogans or claims like "the best...". Place
links to URLs where people can find out details.
Do not try to get around the list rules by appending lengthy signatures.
Observe good list etiquette by signing messages with your real name."

That's all folks!

Codebue Fabio
via S.Lorenzo, 2
25030 Urago d'Oglio - BS
Phone: +39(030)2056874
Fax: +39(030)5100306
Mobile: +39(348)3515786
Web :
EMail: f.codebue@...


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[] On Behalf Of Jonathan Neve
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-tools] ANN: IBExpert New Version 2007.05.03
ready for Download

Codebue Fabio - P-Soft wrote:
> Holger, Werner....
> This mailing list is NOT for third part tools!
> Please use some other private way to comunicate

Really? What IS it for then? It's called "Firebird-tools"...

We also always announce our new product versions here and no one has

ever complained. If this is not the right place to make such
announcements, please let us know.

Best regards,
Jonathan Neve