Subject Re: [firebird-tools] Re: Database Workbench: SET TERM
Author Martijn Tonies
Hello Steve,

> > First, make sure you execute the script in the Script Editor, this might
> > sound
> > obvious to you, but you wouldn't be the first.
> Thanks for checking. I've never seen separate editors for a single SQL
> and scripts before, and I'm not sure why they are separated. I am
> using the SQL Script Editor.

In Single SQL (the tab that says "SQL"), other things are done and
expected, for example, the ability to use parameters.

On the Script tab of the same editor, a script is expected and parsed
as such, that's the difference.

> > Indeed, the Script Editor uses TIB_Script and it should execute/use SET
> > TERM just fine.
> The 257 lines of comments have eight blocks of comments marked by /*
> and */. Following those are about 137 carriage returns (hard returns),
> for reasons I do not yet understand. Then more blocks of comments.
> If I tell the concatenator to strip out comments, I am left with the
> hard returns. The script runs past the SET TERM command. (...It runs
> to another point where I am faced with a similar problem with SET TERM
> .) If I leave the comments in, and manually take out the hard returns,
> the script runs. Something about the combination of comments and
> returns is giving me problems. Or it may simply be the length of the
> comments, as Helen suggested. I don't know.

It shouldn't be a problem, if you like, you can send me a an empty copy
of your database and the script so I can try to reproduce.

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle &
MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions
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