Subject Re: [firebird-tools] Temporary tables and interfaces
Author Ann W. Harrison
At 02:33 PM 9/16/2004, Nando Dessena wrote:
>Does this mean that they cannot be referenced in triggers, stored
>procedures, views, or that a mechanism to invalidate triggers, stored
>procedures and views is being considered?

At the moment, at least to my understanding temporary tables would
neither own nor be referenced in triggers, procedures, views,
constraints, or other similar cross-table things. The issue of
indexes will no doubt raise its ugly head too.

>Would a model in which the structures are as fixed as real tables, but
>the data is transaction/connection scoped be implementable on top or
>side by side to this one, or is that a completely different thing?

I think they're completely separate.

>I can't think of any feature (existing or planned) in FlameRobin that
>would make use of this kind of temp tables, nor a feature that would
>help a DBA handle them. Looks like the realm of a client application.

I'm coming to that conclusion, though most client applications go
through some interface layer as well...

