Subject Re: [firebird-tools] [ANN] Firebird .NET Data Provider 1.5.1 released
Author Luis Ruiz
Thank you very much!
Its working fine for me. Thank you for the sql server like stored procedureslike execution mode, this feature helps me to use firebird or sql server in the same way for my aplicatios.
Thank you too for the security class, I dont test it yet but realy helps me so much.
Excuse my english.
Luis Ruiz

Carlos_Guzm�n_�lvarez <carlosga@...> wrote:

Firebird .NET Data Provider 1.5.1 available for download.

Changes in this release:

1.5.1 ( 2004-02-26 )
----- - ---- -- -- -

- Bug fixes on named parameters, FbCommandBuilder,
FbDataAdapter and FbDataReader.NextResult imlementations.
( see the ChangeLog for more information )


You can read the Changelog at:

You can download binarys for .NET 1.0 at:

You can download binarys for .NET 1.1 at:

You can download sources at:

You can download documentation at:

CVS Tag: NP_1_5_1

Best regards

Carlos Guzm�n �lvarez

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