Subject RE: [firebird-tools] IBUtils
Author Ales Kahanek
So is everything OK? Do you see the relations?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Entrebytes S.L. [mailto:ebytes@...]
> Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 3:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: [firebird-tools] IBUtils
> Well , I'm Ashamed.
> It worked with the employee database , so i scanned my prior
> test database
> and it occured that in some tables it , indeed , worked , but
> on some others
> , didn't , and as said previusly , in some others , the
> application gets
> locked saying something about multiple rows in a singleton select.
> A fine and interesting Work In Progress
> Javi
> EntreBytes S.L.
> Ontenient , Spain
> ERP Development.