Subject re: Can't get Firbird 3.x embedded to work in Delphi 10.3 update 1?
Author Chris LeFebvre



As per Frank Schlottmann’s response: “Your application directory should contain the following Firebird






and the following files:









But as he mentioned he’s using Firebird 4 beta and for example icudt63.dll is icudt53.dll in Firebird 3; just in case I was missing something I copied the contents of the Firebird zip kit to my applications Debug directory including any subdirectories located in the Firebird directory; I did delete Firebird.exe since the documentation says it’s not necessary for embedded. Here’s a directory listing of my Debug directory minus any Delphi dcu files:

Volume in drive I is Data

Volume Serial Number is A327-5FF0


Directory of I:\Delphi\Test-Embedded\Win64\Debug


04/24/2019  11:47 AM    <DIR>          .

04/24/2019  11:47 AM    <DIR>          ..

05/07/2017  11:45 PM               170 Attributes.txt

05/07/2017  11:45 PM               170 Categorys.txt

01/28/2019  07:57 PM         2,293,760 ComTestEm.FDB

10/03/2018  02:46 PM         7,053,824 engine12.dll

04/23/2019  08:01 PM            11,917 EntVarInfoP.dcu

03/27/2015  11:40 AM           876,032 fbclient.dll

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           285,184 fbguard.exe

10/03/2018  02:46 PM           314,880 fbsvcmgr.exe

10/03/2018  02:41 PM           634,880 fbtrace.dll

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           307,712 fbtracemgr.exe

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           303,616 fb_lock_print.exe

04/23/2019  11:36 PM            32,897 firebird.conf

10/03/2018  02:46 PM           149,648 firebird.msg

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           700,416 gbak.exe

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           327,168 gfix.exe

10/03/2018  02:45 PM           878,592 gpre.exe

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           352,768 gsec.exe

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           270,848 gsplit.exe

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           332,288 gstat.exe

10/03/2018  02:40 PM             8,192 ib_util.dll

02/20/2014  05:09 AM             3,072 icudt52.dll

01/12/2016  09:31 PM         5,616,608 icudt52l.dat

10/05/2013  12:22 AM         1,707,520 icuin52.dll

10/05/2013  12:20 AM         1,293,824 icuuc52.dll

07/09/2003  01:59 AM            26,519 IDPLicense.txt

11/12/2015  10:19 AM               410 install_service.bat

10/03/2018  02:46 PM            19,456 instclient.exe

10/03/2018  02:47 PM            12,288 instreg.exe

10/03/2018  02:46 PM           272,384 instsvc.exe

04/23/2019  05:11 PM    <DIR>          intl

07/09/2003  01:59 AM            24,405 IPLicense.txt

10/03/2018  02:46 PM           641,536 isql.exe

04/23/2019  05:11 PM    <DIR>          lib

03/18/2010  11:36 AM           607,568 msvcp100.dll

03/18/2010  11:36 AM           827,728 msvcr100.dll

10/03/2018  02:46 PM           329,216 nbackup.exe

04/23/2019  11:37 PM    <DIR>          plugins

10/03/2018  02:46 PM           566,272 qli.exe

10/03/2018  03:17 PM             1,991 Readme.txt

10/03/2018  02:46 PM         1,605,632 security3.fdb

02/11/2019  10:10 PM                46 server.ini

06/01/2018  11:00 PM                22 Thumbs.ini

10/03/2018  02:47 PM           386,048 udr_engine.dll

11/10/2015  12:08 PM               273 uninstall_service.bat

12/01/2014  10:44 AM            77,824 zlib1.dll


My application is set to be compiled as 64bit and I’m using the x64 Firebird kit; you mention “Firebird files should be in the same dir as your exe with folder structure e.g /providers and /udf if you use” I can’t find any reference to a “providers” or “udf” directory, they’re not in the Firebird kit and the document doesn’t mention them. Also as someone else suggested, I tried running the application directly outside of the IDE and I still the error “[FireDAC]{Phys][FB]unavailable database”.