Subject Re: [firebird-support] What key word specifies a search for an entire word?
Author Clyde Eisenbeis
This works:

"SELECT fstName, fiKeyID FROM Members WHERE lower(fstName) LIKE lower( @p0 )"

On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 11:09 AM Richard Damon richard@... [firebird-support] <> wrote:

On 11/28/19 11:30 AM, cte677@... [firebird-support] wrote:
> I have this:
> "SELECT fstName, fiKeyID FROM Members WHERE lower(fstName) LIKE
> lower('%' || @p0 || '%')"
> Assume fstName includes "Richard" and "Rich".  If I search for "Rich"
> it finds both names. 
> What do I modify so it finds only "Rich"?

if you only want the case that fstName is exactly Rich, then don't use
like but use equals (=)

If you want Rich as part of the string but not Richard, what is allowed
before/after Rich that makes it a 'word'?

Richard Damon