Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Install firebird SS 2.5 on Debian 9/10
Author moj.mail.qmail

Ok, I used

on ubuntu 18:

root@ub18:~/FirebirdCS- ./

Firebird classic Installation

Press Enter to start installation or ^C to abort
Extracting install data
Please enter new password for SYSDBA user: masterkey
./scripts/ 114: ./scripts/ /opt/firebird/bin/gsec: not found

Please enter new password for SYSDBA user: masterkey
./scripts/ 114: ./scripts/ /opt/firebird/bin/gsec: not found

Please enter new password for SYSDBA user: ^C

root@ub18:~/FirebirdCS- ls -la /opt/firebird/bin/gsec
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 297716 lut 14  2017 /opt/firebird/bin/gsec

W dniu 20.09.2019 o 14:37, pablo sanchez pablos@... [firebird-support] pisze:

Use compressed tarball, instead of rpm package .

You me have to install libtommath (apt-get install libtommath) and
create a softlink as /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ pointing
to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/


On 9/19/19 1:40 PM, 'moj.mail.qmail' moj.mail.qmail@...
[firebird-support] wrote:
> Hello, could someone help me install fb 2.5 on Debian 9 (buster)?
> I've installed Firebird from
> After run I got:
> //opt/firebird/WhatsNew//
> //./usr/sbin/rcfirebird//
> //./etc/init.d/firebird//
> //Done.//
> //Deleting...//
> //Done.//
> //update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported;
> falling back to defaults//
> //update-rc.d: warning: start runlevel arguments (2 3 5) do not match
> firebird Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)//
> //Starting Firebird server: //
> //Fixing firebird's shell to /bin/sh//
> //
> //Starting Firebird server: Please enter new password for SYSDBA user:
> master//
> //use gsec -? to get help//
> //Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".//
> //Failed to establish a connection.//
> //unable to open database//
> //
> //Please enter new password for SYSDBA user:
> //Please enter new password for SYSDBA user:/
> [^C]
> Netstat shows nothing.
> After start /opt/bin/firebird/fbserver manually I got:
> /root@debian9:/opt/firebird/bin# ./fbserver //
> //I/O error during "open" operation for file " "open" operation for file
> " "open" operation for file " "open" operation for file " "open"
> operation for file " "open" operation for file " "open" operation for
> file " "open" operation for file " "open" operation for file " "open"
> operation for file " "open" operation for file " "open" operation for
> file " "open" operation for file "own//
> ///firebird/fb_trace_jGV7dm"//
> //-Error while trying to open file//
> //-No such file or directory//
> //"//
> //-Error while trying to open file//
> //-No such file or directory//
> //"//
> //-Error while trying to open file//
> //-No such file or directory//
> //"//
> //-Error while trying to open file//
> //-No such file or directory/
> What can I du to run firebird server? Edit /opt/firebird/firebird.conf?