Subject RE: [firebird-support] Firebird database executing DML queries very slowly.
Author Joje

Ran the command and got the header information from the client. Below is database header page information of the affected database : 


Flags                                      0 

                Checksum                           12345 

                Generation                         9101445 

                Page size                             4096 

                ODS version                       11.2 

                Oldest transaction           8991282 

                Oldest active                      9100701 

                Oldest snapshot               9100701 

                Next transaction              9100702 

                Bumped transaction       1 

                Sequence number                          0 

                Next attachment ID        24698 

                Implementation ID          26 

                Shadow count                   0 

                Page buffers                      0 

                Next header page           0 

                Database dialect               3 

                Attributes                           force write 

    Variable header data: 

                Sweep interval:                20000 



The difference between the oldest transaction and newest transaction is large.  


From: []
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 20:32
Subject: ODP: [firebird-support] Firebird database executing DML queries very slowly.





When you gain slowdows


gstat -h


and put here results.

Problem probably is because of some long running transaction.



Karol Bieniaszewski