Subject Re: [firebird-support] Prevent overlaping dates in concurent environment
Author Tomasz Tyrakowski
On 12.09.2018 at 13:29, Omacht AndrĂ¡s aomacht@... [firebird-support]
> Create a (reserved_dates) table with date field, and make that field unique.. When a user inserts a date into the reservation table a trigger immadiate inserts this date to the reserved_dates table too. Then the unique key will stop secound insert instead of the first transaction is not commited.

This won't work. All dates may be different and the intervals may still
Karol, that's an interesting issue and I'm really curious if there's a
clever solution.
So far I've checked the check (pun intended):

create table TST1 (
d1 timestamp,
d2 timestamp,

constraint no_overlap check (
not exists (
select * from TST1 t1
where exists (
select * from TST1 t2
where t1.d1 between t2.d1 and t2.d2
or t1.d2 between t2.d1 and t2.d2

insert into TST1 values('01.01.2018', '30.09.2018'); -- in transaction A
insert into TST1 values('01.02.2018', '30.10.2018'); -- in transaction B
-- commit A (no errors)
-- commit B (no errors)

and it doesn't work. You can still insert two overlapping pairs and both
transactions get committed without errors, resulting in overlapping
intervals being inserted. So, unless you change the transaction
isolation level (I always use read committed), I don't have more ideas
at the moment.

have a good one

__--== Tomasz Tyrakowski ==--__
__--== SOL-SYSTEM ==--__
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