Subject Re: [firebird-support] How can I correctly write this WHERE
Author Venus Software Operations

Thanks Set, I had not included anything else because I was having writing the original CASE but like you pointed out my thought of using the CASE was not required a simple WHERE can do what I need.

You are correct about the other parts of the query being the reason for slowness.  As I mentioned in my reply the slowness starts as soon as I add the JOIN to the View, even if I do not use any of it's field, eg. cNameCity01.  I have also tried to avoid the TRIM() by using the primary key integer field of this view instead but it is still slow.

The view is a CTE (which you had kindly taught me :) ) and this query is a CTE too.  I will paste them below for your reference.  The whole idea was that if the account involved is a Balance Sheet account (PK 47 in this example now) then all transaction need to be considered, else a shorter group of transactions are needed

The SQL follows and the view is below:
WITH recursive heir(iid, ipk, iaccttreeid) AS
       SELECT maccounts.iid,
              maccounts.iid  AS ipk,
              vwta.itreeid01 AS iaccttreeid
       FROM   maccounts
       JOIN   maccounts gtt
       ON     gtt.iid = maccounts.iid
       JOIN   vwtreeaccounts vwta
       ON     vwta.iid = maccounts.iid
       WHERE  (
                     1 = 1)
       AND    (( (
                                   NOT (
                                          maccounts.lhierarchialaccount = 1
                                   OR     EXISTS
                                                 SELECT 1
                                                 FROM   maccounts d
                                                 WHERE  d.ipid = maccounts.iid)) ))) )
SELECT    1                                   AS iorder ,
          heir.iid                            AS ipid ,
          heir.iid                            AS igpid ,
          '(0'                                AS cpsource ,
          macct.cdrcr                         AS cpdrcr ,
          cast(' ' AS srbk)                   AS cbk ,
          cast(0 AS srno)                     AS ino ,
          cast('2018-04-01 00:00:00' AS srdt) AS tdt ,
          heir.iid                            AS iacctid ,
          iif(LEFT(macct.ctypeid, 2) IN ('DR',
                                         'CR'), LEFT(macct.ctypeid, 2), macct.cdrcr) AS cdrcr ,
          sum(iif(ssifooter.cdrcr = 'DR' , ssifooter.bamt , cast(0 AS amt)))         AS bdebit ,
          sum(iif(ssifooter.cdrcr = 'CR' , ssifooter.bamt , cast(0 AS amt)))         AS bcredit ,
          'Opening Balance'                                                          AS mnarration ,
          cast('Opening' AS docno)                                                   AS cdocno ,
          cast('2018-04-01 00:00:00' AS srdt)                                        AS tdocdt ,
          cast(0 AS id)                                                              AS idocacctid
FROM      tsaleinvoice tsi
JOIN      ssaleinvoicefooter ssifooter
ON        ssifooter.ipid = tsi.iid
AND       ssifooter.bamt <> 0
LEFT JOIN maccounts macct
ON        macct.iid = ssifooter.iaccountid
LEFT JOIN mlookups mcity
ON        mcity.iid = macct.icityid
JOIN      heir
ON        ssifooter.iaccountid = heir.ipk
WHERE     (
                    heir.iaccttreeid = 47
          AND       cast(tsi.tdt AS date) < '2018-04-01' )
OR        (
                    heir.iaccttreeid <> 47
          AND       cast(tsi.tdt AS date) BETWEEN '2018-03-01' AND       '2018-03-31' )
AND       tsi.cdoctype NOT LIKE 'PROFORMA%'
AND       tsi.cdoctype NOT LIKE 'CANCELLED%'
AND       ssifooter.cdrcr IN ('DR',
GROUP BY  heir.iid,
          iif(LEFT(macct.ctypeid, 2) IN ('DR',
                                         'CR'), LEFT(macct.ctypeid, 2), macct.cdrcr),

The view:
CREATE VIEW vwtreeaccounts
            WITH recursive maccountsordered
                      SELECT    maccounts.iid ,
                                maccounts.ipid ,
                                maccounts.inegbalpid ,
                                maccounts.isrno ,
                                maccounts.cname ,
                                COALESCE(mlookups.vvalue, cast(' ' AS char(50))) AS ccity
                      FROM      maccounts
                      LEFT JOIN mlookups
                      ON        mlookups.iid = maccounts.icityid
                      ORDER BY  maccounts.isrno ,
                                maccounts.cname ,
                                COALESCE(mlookups.vvalue, '')
                   SELECT levelthis.iid ,
                          levelthis.ipid ,
                          levelthis.inegbalpid ,
                          cast(0 AS integer) ,
                          levelthis.isrno ,
                          levelthis.iid ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                          cast(NULL AS integer) ,
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelthis.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelthis.ccity, ''))) AS char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200)) ,
                          cast(' ' AS                                       char(200))
                   FROM   maccountsordered levelthis
                   WHERE  levelthis.ipid = 0
                   UNION ALL
                   SELECT levelcurr.iid ,
                          levelcurr.ipid ,
                          levelcurr.inegbalpid ,
                          levelparent.ilevel + 1 ,
                          levelcurr.isrno ,
                          levelparent.itreeid01 ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 0, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid02) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 1, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid03) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 2, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid04) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 3, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid05) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 4, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid06) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 5, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid07) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 6, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid08) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 7, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid09) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 8, levelcurr.iid, levelparent.itreeid10) ,
                          levelparent.cnamecity01 ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 0, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity02) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 1, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity03) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 2, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity04) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 3, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity05) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 4, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity06) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 5, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity07) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 6, trim(levelcurr.cname)
                                 || iif(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, '') = '', '', ', '
                                 || trim(COALESCE(levelcurr.ccity, ''))), levelparent.cnamecity08) ,
                          iif(levelparent.ilevel = 7, trim
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